September 2024 Recreational Class Newsletter

To register for text messages pertaining to studio closings for weather or other events CLICK HERE

Thank you for your support! Questions? Call the studio at 690-7771, Text 816-200-1232, or email

TEXT REMINDERS!: Receive text alerts when there are studio closing or important reminders with the Remind App. Please find the link to register above. 

Our website is a great resource for keeping up with studio happenings:
You can also follow us on Social Media:
Instagram –
Facebook –
Recreational families should also find our private FB group and request to join.

IMPORTANT Tuition payments details: Your tuition withdrawals will deduct from your account on file on the 7th day of
each month unless you specifically set up a different date or arrangements. This date setting can be adjusted by logging
in to your account online, find the “billing & payments” tab, and the “e-payment settings”, then change it to your preferences. You may also choose to submit your tuition in person but please note; payments must be received by the 14th day of the month. If payment is not received, any unpaid tuition/fees will be billed to the account we have on file on the 15th. There is a 20% service fee for late submission.

Parents are welcome & encouraged to sit inside the classrooms and receive our newsletters during the first FULL WEEK of both September & October. The next watch weeks will be held the first week of: December, February, and April. During regular weeks, parents are welcome to watch through the viewing windows but please know that we hold your child’s attention and accomplish much more learning with them when they are not overwhelmed or distracted. Watch
week for Rising or Elite level competition classes will be clarified via direct email.

Dress Code Requirements:
● Dance Attire & Shoes: ALL students should wear dance attire for their classes. Any style is fine, and tights are
optional. Shoe requirements depend on the type of class you are enrolled in. Most dance classes will need black
tap shoes and pink ballet shoes. Tumblers will need white acro shoes. Hip Hop classes will need tennis shoes. If
your dancer has not yet been sized for their all-inclusive shoes this season, please stop by the desk asap.
● Hairstyles: Female dancers & tumblers should wear long hair in a ponytail or styled away from their face.
PARKING: Our parking lot becomes quite congested during busy evening hours. We suggest arriving about 5 minutes
early and allow the previous classes to exit before finding your space. Our classes are dismissed 5 min early in order to
help with this transition, but we do apologize in advance for any inconvenience! You can park in the North alley by Starz
but do not park on Salem or you will be ticketed by the Oak Grove Police. We appreciate your patience with this!
Studio Happenings:
● PARADES! We have 2 optional parades on our schedule this fall. Grain Valley 9/7/24, and OG Homecoming 10/25/24. If your child would like to participate please refer to the parade handout. A parade outfit is required, and a permission slip is due by 9/12 in order to join the OG event. Hope to see you there!

● SAVE THE DATE!! HALLOWEEN DANCE PARTY!! 10/19/24, 6-7:30pm. Watch for more info to come!
● AND…Wear your Costumes to class! Join us in the fun by wearing any old dance or Halloween costume, OR create a new one! During class Oct 24-30th
● CLOSED 10/31 for Halloween. Have a safe and fun evening. Please feel free to make-up this cancellation with any other class we offer. Stop at the desk if you would like suggestions.
● Bring-A-Friend week will be held 10/14-10/18. We will have special invites to distribute soon.

Thought for the month: There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so just be a real one.

THANK YOU for your support! Contact me anytime!