Summer 2024 Recreational Class Newsletter

To register for text messages pertaining to studio closings for weather or other events CLICK HERE

Thank you for your support! Questions? Call the studio at 690-7771, Cari at 816-834-9794, or email StarzOakGrove@

Welcome to Summer with the Starz 2024! We are looking forward to another fun filled summer and have several events scheduled toward the end of our session. Please make sure to read your newsletters faithfully. All of the details pertaining to our Summer events will be announced in our newsletters, and via email. Thank you for participating in Summer with the Starz!

Parent Watch-Week: 7/23 & 7/24
-Parents are invited into the first few minutes of our 1st classes to receive newsletters and general info. However, we would love to have parents stay in the classroom for the entire class on your last day of Summer Session, Tuesday 7/30 or Wednesday 7/31. We’re looking forward to showing you what we learn this Summer!

Summer Scheduling & Theme weeks:
-We’ve made a few changes to our summer schedule. Be sure to pick up an updated copy of the schedule at the front desk before attending any make-up classes.
-Our Theme week activities will be announced on our Recreational Facebook page every Monday. Be sure to request to join at:
• Dress up for our themes if you’d like. Plan to stay before or after class for some special crafts/activities!
• Week 1 – Sparkle Era
• Week 2 – Dance PAWty
• Week 3 – Aloha Week
• Week 4 – Patriotic Week (no classes Thurs 7/4)
• Week 5 – Super Hero’s week
• Week 6 – Wild Week
• Week 7 – Olympic Week. Final Regular classes held 7/25/24. (Thursday only held over to 8/1)

Summer Parades?
-Starz MAY participate in some local parades later this summer. Recreational student’s participation in these events is totally voluntary, but we would need to know you’re interested by 6/30. Share your interest in joining our parades here: 
-Odessa Puddlejumpers Festival, Saturday August 3rd
-Grain Valley Fair Daze Parade, Saturday September 14th
-Oak Grove Homecoming Parade, Friday 10/25/24 (Out-of-district students must be accompanied by a parent)
-Typically Starz has three “units” in our parade entries: A float for younger students to ride on; a walking unit for our dance students; and a tumbling unit for tumbling students. Additional parade details, including parade outfits, will be emailed (per interest) in July. Please be sure we have your accurate email address on file.
-If we participate, we will also need Parent volunteers to walk in the parades. Volunteers must have a Starz logo shirt to participate. Order forms for all parade outfits will be available once our participation is verified.

Studio Policy Reminders & Tuition Payment Schedule:
-Please be sure you have updated your account on file with us. Summer tuition is now past due and is considered late ($10 fee) if unpaid by June 11th. Automatic withdrawal fees were already deducted.
-If you must miss class, we encourage students to “make-up” with any other regularly scheduled class at Starz. Tuition will not be deducted, nor will credit be applied, for absences. There is no time limit for when you can make-up absences as long as it’s during summer session.

Competition Troupe Info:
-Auditions for next year’s competition teams are set for the week of July 16-19th.
-Any other Starz students who may be interested in our competition troupe program should call or e-mail Cari. E-mail is the best way to reach her:

Shoe Orders & Showcase 2024 T-shirts, Pictures & Video’s:
-Our next shoe order will be placed on June 14th. Orders usually arrive week from order date.
-If you missed the pick up for your Showcase T-shirts please stop at the desk. We also have several extra’s available.
-Showcase pictures will be delivered to Starz soon. If you have questions, please contact our photographer at:
-Our Digital Downloads of the performance are coming soon. Watch for that info via email or Contact them at

Thought for the month: There is no such thing as a perfect parent, so just be a real one.

THANK YOU for your support! Contact me anytime!